Show Review: The Monsieurs (Record Release!), Free Pizza, Nice Guys @ Club Bohemia (12/5/14)

The Monsieurs LP
Bands: The Monsieurs, Free Pizza, Nice Guys
Date: Friday, December 5, 2014
Venue:Club Bohemia (Cantab Lounge basement) in Cambridge, MA

Nice Guys – Sheeet, I’ve never seen Club Bohemia (the Cantab Lounge basement) so packed, it must be sold out. People are using their heads for once in this crazy old world. Coming out to support a killer local rock ‘n’ roll show. This here is easily three of the best rock ‘n’ roll animals in the land of Boston on tap. Kicking it off right is our KLYAM Records bad boiz, Nice Guys, so I guess they actually aren’t bad boiz or maybe they are because everything is backwards in this crazy old world. Good means bad, stop means go, thou shalt not kill… unless you really, really feel like it. But, these guys here, they wouldn’t kill a fly, unless it flew into one of their bongs ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. SHUT UP!

Nice Guys errr ahhh here we go, these cats, these guys rumble. A swift kick in the nads. That’s their music. If you wanted a description, that’s what you’re going to get. That feeling you get when you get kicked square in the nads, it’s like that, but pull back a little. It’s that full on attack, but without the pain and misery. Needless to say Jake, Matt, Alex, and Cam make it personal. They get right in your grill. They get it right.

Lord knows what the fuck I am talking about at this point, but it’s all about the emotion. Stuttering fucking Stanley. The fucking emotion. It’s all there and yet it’s not sappy at all or sensitive in any way. In fact, so much music isn’t the Nice Guys, that it feels great when you hear the Nice Guys, because it’s like a vacation from all the other shit. With Nice Guys, it’s about the rockin’, the sockin’, and maybe a bit of thee olde shockin’. You don’t take a Nice Guys song and win back your girlfriend by plinking it on acoustic guitar. Buttt, there is far more to life than just smoking and fucking and partying. True. Well, actually is there? Yes, there is, I suppose. Christ, I’m so indecisive. Maybe, if we all just got really fucked together, we’d all be okay. It’s a thought.

I have to catch myself before diving too far into a nonsensical rant. Nice Guys is where we left off, those cream muffins. They sing and scream about bad cops. “Fuck the Police, fuck racist cops” says vocalist/guitarist Alex as they rock into “Cop Walk.” True that brother. Alex is a ruffian and he makes his way into the crowd and all around the place, even literally playing “in a hallway in a basement.” Yeah!

The dudes play my favorite Nice Guys song “Jamaican Vacation,” which Glen and I have been waiting to hear for quite some time. Not just because it’s on the piece of wax we put out, but because it’s one of the heaviest and angriest in their set and it lifts right off – it’s a tickling riff. FAST FUN FUCKING NOISE! Thanks for playing it and being Nice Guys, you fucks. Listen to this shit:

Free Pizza – Sadly, yes y’all must already know our beloved Free Pizza is leaving us and if you don’t know, then now you do.

Free Pizza, along with Nice Guys and Monsieurs, are top tier Boston rock ‘n’ roll and I want you to know that. If you miss their show before they head back to Miami,FL, then you missed out son.

For their song “Freedom Forty,” they always grab a punk from the crowd to sing guest vocals. This time it’s our bad boi Timothy Manns and he belts out the vocals hardcore style like a pro. That’s Tim and that’s Free Pizza, for the people, we are the people. I hugged Free Pizza Santiago and told him he was my rock ‘n’ roll comrade. It’s true, you all are. Nick and Jesus too. I know I’ll see you guys again, but here’s a shout out:

The Monsieurs – And now the main event. THE MONSIEURS ARE HERE. Yo, and it’s their self-titled record release! Yeah, pick up that puppy from Black Gladiator or Slovenly. I’ve been eagerly waiting to hear this monster, I’m gushing with excitement. This is the cream of the crop as far as Boston rock ‘n’ roll goes. They’ve got the sludge, the slime, and all the hooks to back it up. The band on record is a blast to the balls, for sure, but the live show is a whole new beast. I’ve only seen the band twice for some reason, once at the Brighton Music Hall (opening for King Khan & The Shrines) and another time at Church for Illegally Blind’s Boston En Masse. Both times, they sounded sweet, but the crowd was sparse and mellow. Tonight, it’s a different story.

Andy Macbain (vocals, also of Tunnel Of Love/Marty Kings), Hilken Mancini (guitar, also of Shepherdess/Fuzzy/Marty Kings), an Erin King (drums, also of Where My Beat Be At) all together are a menacing machine of mighty punk slime proportions. It’s a KLYAM man’s kind of band. Erin and Hilken rock out on the tiny Club Bohemia stage, as Andy Macbain (shirtless, reppin’ a black leather jacket though) prowls his way into a sea of bodies. He often does this with the whole mic stand in hand, it’s his weapon, as he takes on the world. Man, never cracks a smile, he’s on business. Like GG says “My mind is a machine gun, my body is the bullets, the audience is the target.” AIM! Andy is like GG, if GG never actually went through with all the messy stuff. If GG just put the vibe out there, but never went through with his antics. He’s a force, the rock ‘n’ roll animal.

Initially the crowd is stiff, but as Andy slithers around, he ignites a mosh pit. He even crowd surfs; it’s probably the most successful crowd surfing I’ve ever seen. Teamwork. Most of the time people fuck up.

Well, well this show really hit the spot and I walk away jovially carrying my new Monsieurs record! If you haven’t heard this thang or seen the band live, you have some serious homework to attend to. Don’t make me tell you twice.

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